Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Accepting your partner without being judgemental .

Accepting your partner without being judgemental..

When we enter a relationship most of the time we try to complicate it due to our own fears and insecurities instead of enjoying the momemt,the company ..we start thinking of the future which is still a mystery and let it unfold gracefully but never miss the present moment with joy , laughter , happiness ...That brings the harmony and peace between the two partners .Often one tries to change the another .But the most beautiful aspect should be to surrender , accept the other as he/she is because sometime the Universe gives you what you need rather then what you want .May be you need that energy frequency at that particular stage of life for your own evolution and growth ...
Instead of pointing out as this is good and that is bad , one should just be a observor initially and gradually whatever the element of compromising and adjustment needs to be taken place , it takes
place gradually . Sometimes one of the partner compromises a lot just to please and keep the
relationship keep going The reciever becomes the parasite on the giver .Thats very unhealthy as the reciever is the abuser to the giver in some respect unawarely .Be in a relationship when you really feel you are complete within you , you have enough love and affection for yourself.When you feel your energies are ready , you wont feel  the urge  to change your partner to a another person
instead you will accept the person as he/ she is because you are complete within you .Then you will see the light in your partner .Always try to keep it simple then making it complicated.Listen to your
gutfeelings. Respecting and creating a space for your better half is easy then . Being
together as a team ,still you will learn to grow individually .We try to change others so that our life
becomes perfect but the truth is the change has to first come within us to feel complete, to feel
emotionally healthy , the joy and contment has to be within us .Always  take a moment of silence
within you to ask yourself  and feel - How are you in this situation ?May be you are good and you can still make it better .The base of a relationship should be true love .There is  a saying its better to be loved and lost then not being in love .Its so true , so don't get scared to be in love , to be the love and experience the beauty of its essence .

Thanks ,
Hope you got a insight but again the experience differs from individual to individual..

Bless it be

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